Contractor Management

Contractor Management

Ready to take your workforce international? Global payroll services allow you to pay your team members all over the world with ease. Whether you have a few remote employees or a fully distributed team, Borderless is here to help.

What is our contractor management service?

You shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to work with a global contractor. Borderless™ Contractor Management service provides compliant end-to-end support (from signing to paying), so you can bring the world’s best freelancers aboard quickly and risk-free.

Making contractor payments can drain your team’s resources, especially when you’re paying international contractors. Each new contract increases your workload. Staying compliant with relevant international legislation is almost impossible for any team focused on fast growth.

Paying independent contractors requires an accurate and scalable system before onboarding your first candidate. That includes keeping contracts compliant with labor and taxation laws in every country where your contractors operate. For example, in the United States, you must also collect and automatically generate appropriate tax forms for your contractors.

Contractor Management
Contractor Management

How our contractor management works?

If you hire contractors in multiple countries, you need an easy way to pay invoices, in multiple currencies, without incurring hefty bank fees or conversion costs.

We help our clients achieve this in the following ways:

  1. Secure local expertise and advice
  2. Develop compliant contracts
  3. Stay compliant on taxes
  4. Process invoices and pay contractors
  5. Review contractor classification laws
  6. Implementation of advanced automation to future-proof your processes.
Contractor Management
Contractor Management

Benefits for your business?

  1. Eliminate repetitive administration & focus on core strategy
  2. Minimize the chance of human error
  3. Add value to international contractors with local contractor benefits.
  4. Reduce costs for your business and save money.
Contractor Management
Contractor Management